Como a ciência avança nos casos relacionados à reencarnação?

Revisão de What is the Best Available Evidence for the Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death?
Akila Weerasekera, Doutorado, Shanaka de Silva, MA.

In this single-case report focused on the topic of reincarnation, the authors, of Indian origin, present a study selected among submissions for the BICS awards. The article offers an original and distinctive perspective on topics such as mediumship, reincarnation, instrumental transcommunication, near-death experiences, and related phenomena.

The case revolves around the story of EBK (initials), who presents specific and verified memories related to places, names, birthmarks, xenoglossy, habits, and even a parallel study of mediumship.

The article begins with a general overview of how reincarnation is understood in Buddhism. It emphasizes the rejection of a fixedself,” favoring instead the concept of constant and infinite flows of consciousness interconnected through karmic relationships. Since the audience is expected to be familiar with the concept of reincarnation, the article does not delve deeply into this framework. Instead, it briefly references the significant contributions of Jim Tucker, whose work builds upon the pioneering research of Ian Stevenson in this field.

The article on EBK’s reincarnation begins with extensive documentation of statements made by EBK, verified by individuals from diverse backgrounds. These statements include details about the manner of death, names of people from a previous life, descriptions of a specific temple, pets, and other elements.

The article then discusses the parallels between EBK’s hobbies and those of their alleged past life as TMR (also initials). These shared interests include a love for cricket, a specific type of dance, and theater. Adicionalmente, EBK exhibited the habit of waking up at 4:00 a.m., the time when TMR used to visit the temple.

The article also highlights phobias exhibited by EBK, which were allegedly carried over from their past life as TMR. These include hydrophobia, claustrophobia, and a fear of funerals. Adicionalmente, EBK had birthmarks, such as slight chest compression, that matched the cause of TMR’s death.

Furthermore, EBK reportedly used dialectal expressions typical of the region where TMR lived, rather than their own, to refer to certain concepts. Remarkably, it is also noted that TMR appeared to some individuals shortly after their death and before EBK’s birth, a period of approximately one year. This includes an episode involving asphyxiation, consistent with TMR’s cause of death.

In conclusion, the authors state:

Could we draw substantial conclusions about the phenomenon of reincarnation from the observed data? Dr.. Jim Tucker, the scientific successor to Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia, developed theStrength of Case Scale” (SOCS) to document and evaluate reincarnation cases (Tucker, 2000). SOCS assesses a reincarnation claim based on four criteria, all of which were fulfilled during this investigation:

  1. Birthmarks or congenital defects corresponding to the claimed previous life: No case of EBK, most of their statements were verified by various individuals, including family members, friends, teachers, and government officials, as well as through images and other documents. The few unverified claims were primarily due to the unavailability of individuals mentioned in the statements, either because of their death or relocation from Kandy or the country.
  2. The strength of statements about the previous life: No case of EBK, most of their statements were verified by various individuals, including family members, friends, teachers, and government officials, as well as through images and other documents. The few unverified claims were primarily due to the unavailability of individuals mentioned in the statements, either because of their death or relocation from Kandy or the country
  3. Relevant behaviors/physical traits connected to the previous life: EBK exhibited behavioral traits that matched those of the deceased individual, TMR. These traits included phobias, preferences, habits, specific interests, and even skills andabilities consistent with TMR’s personality.
  4. Evaluation of the possible connection between the child reporting a previous life and the previous life: No case of EBK, a clear connection between EBK and TMR was established through various stories, articles, and individuals. According to the research, the likelihood that EBK referred to items or events that they created independently, without any connection to TMR (the previous personality), is extremely low.

Òscar Llorens i Garcia


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