More and more people are dying in hospitals because in their last days the family cannot give their loved ones the human and medical coverage they need, for fear of not knowing how to take care of them or because the couple or young children are overworked.
Palliative care at home is of great help both for the one who is leaving and for the family members, and I call on them, if possible and if conditions allow it, to make it easier for them to die at home, among their loved ones, with their beloved objects, pictures, rooms, furniture of a lifetime and that they have spent so many experiences together!
It is the right of the person, of the being, to be able to die accompanied by his family, loved ones, animais de estimação, at home or in a hospital room adapted for this purpose, without a bedside neighbor who also needs his privacy, and he also has the right to receive the lay or religious spiritual support he needs.
Humanization is a natural right of the patient and his family.
These are intimate moments in which the person knows he is going to die and wants to put his life in order, to value it, to find the meaning that his experience on Earth has had, to be able to leave in peace, to be reassured that his life has had meaning and to be thanked for everything he has contributed.
For me, it is the most important moment in life. It is the one that gives meaning to everything and meaning is a precious and unique quality of the human being
To be able to talk about the past, to listen and make amends, to ask for forgiveness and to forgive, to talk about their fears, their pain is an essential part of good dying and accompaniment. It is necessary to give them space and allow them to do so.
A good farewell amortizes the pain of departure for both the one who leaves and the one who stays.
Understanding that the purpose of society is to ensure the improvement and care of the common needs of all individuals and understanding that birth and death is common to all, I believe that society and Hospitals should have that trait of humanization and sensitivity to that sacred moment of dying.
Dra.. Lujan Comas
Presidenta Fundación Icloby