Um convite para uma nova forma de ver o papel do Médico

Dr.. Verdugo is a Pulmonologist based in the city of Madrid. As a professional, she actively works in the clinical world.

Her experience in the practice of Medicine has allowed her to realize the importance of working on the inner self, first and foremost within herself. Likewise, she has accepted that an approach focused exclusively on the physical body is no longer sufficient, as the human being is more than that. Moreover, the humanization of patient care is a responsibility of every doctor, and it is in everyone’s hands to achieve excellence in Medicine centered on attending to, being present with, accompanying, and helping the patient holistically and without the arrogance that comes from thinking the doctor knows everything.

The death of her father 16 years ago was a crucial moment for her to reconsider what happens after death. In 2020, while actively attending to patients during the pandemic, she also realized that she needed to take a turn in the practice of her profession. Today, she knows that it is necessary to respect each person’s process and that the moment of dying is one of the most important in life. Here is her testimony.


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