Por que uma EQM muda sua vida?

Hoje, Dr.. Freddy Mercado lives his second chance at life to the fullest, from a place of gratitude, joy, and full presence in the here and now. Following his NDE, his medical training initially led him to skepticism, which he used as a tool to study and document what had happened to him.

He now believes that the NDE he experienced gave his life meaning—a purpose that drives him to value everything that helps him become his best self every day.

Dr.. Freddy Mercado is a surgeon with a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration, a certified Life Coach, and holds a certification in Leadership and Mentorship from Harvard University.


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Carmem Castro

Falar sobre a EQM é um ato libertador para quem a vivencia

A história de Carmen Castro e seu desejo de ter compartilhado sua Experiência de Quase Morte (EQM) much earlier highlights the importance of having healthcare professionals in hospitals who can support patients going through critical medical situations with unusual experiences. These professionals should let patients know they can safely and non-judgmentally discuss their experiences, especially if the professionals themselves have had an NDE. This helps patients normalize and understand these events without feeling they are losing their sanity.
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