Testemunho: EQMs na infância

As is well-known and widely evidenced, memories of the details experienced during an NDE remain intact regardless of the time that has passed. This characteristic, unique to such experiences, also allows us to differentiate them from other phenomena, such as hallucinations. An example of this is seen in this testimony.

During his NDE, Juan Manuel went through several moments. He felt out of his body, found himself in a wild garden full of colors he had never seen again, encountered deceased relatives with whom he communicated telepathically, and was enveloped in a white, brilliant light that gave him a sense of love he had never experienced before. He sums up these experiences in his own words aslike what it feels like when one returns home.

Depois 9 days in a coma and a diagnosis that suggested if he survived, he would be left with sequelae that would prevent him from leading a normal life, Juan Manuel made a remarkable recovery in an extraordinary amount of time.

He decided to keep his experienceas a hidden treasurebecause when he shared it, those who listened did not understand it. It was when he met his wife that he was able to recount it again and share it with someone who believed him. In his words, that freed him.

He is the author of the book What If I Leave Tomorrow?” which contains a series of reflections based on the lessons his NDE provided him.

See the interview here.


Em outras notícias

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