A patient receives an organ from a deceased donor and begins to see a ghost, a persistent apparition. The description of the apparition is consistent with that of the donor. This might sound like just another story if it hadn’t been published by a physician in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Dr.. Guzzi stated in the summary of the publication that: When the recipient of a liver transplant from a deceased donor wakes up after surgery, they see a ghostly but friendly figure in their room, and their description matches that of the organ donor. Stories about strange phenomena in transplants often include the acquisition of memories or personality traits of the donor by the organ recipient.

The originality of the case, combined with the prestige of the journal in which it was published and its novelty, makes this a very intriguing case. The recipient described their donor asshort, with tanned skin, middle-aged, with brown hairsilent, but (…) kind.There is not much more to add except that the description matches that of the donor, and the apparition told the recipient that he had her liver.

Óscar Llorens i García


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