Visita a hospitais

The ICLOBY Foundation, led by Dr. Lujan Comas, aims to visit the hospitals involved in the LIGHT Project throughout the year. The objective is to personally connect with the teams of professionals engaged in the research, strengthen scientific collaboration, discuss the project’s progress, share knowledge and experiences, and identify ways to support the teams at each institution.

Madrid was chosen as the starting point for this initiative. The first hospital visited was Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, which joined the project in 2024. The visit, which took place during the third week of January, was accompanied by Dr. Xavier Melo, Founding Director of the Foundation, and successfully met the planned objectives.

Adicionalmente, we are pleased to announce that during our team’s stay in Madrid, we had the opportunity to visit Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. This institution has been serving the community since 1973 and inaugurated its new facilities in 2024. The hospital is set to join the research project soon, following approval from its Ethics Committee.


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