Sonderpreis für Dr.. Pim van Lommel

For 10 years, the Spanish magazine ANOCHE TUVE UN SUEÑO has recognized the work and commitment of people and institutions from different social and scientific areas that promote change in society every day with the annual edition of the Optimistas Comprometidos Awards.

This year, in its 10th Edition, various categories were recognized, like Transformation, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Thinking, Wissenschaft, Culture and others. Every year the magazine nominates a group of people in each category and during the Awards celebration it announces who has been chosen to receive the recognition.

For ICLOBY Foundation it has been a cause for celebration to know that DR. Pim van Lommel, an active collaborator in our Proyecto Luz, among other programs, was this year’s recipient of the Optimistas y Colaboradores (Optimists and Collaborators) Award within the Transformation category.

The magazine says that with this choice they mainly wanted to recognize the years of his life dedicated to full-time research into near-death experiences (NTEs) and his scientific papers published in books and scientific journals.

Along with him, DR. Albert Quintana, researcher in the Department of Cellular Biology and the Neurosciences Institute of the UAB, received the Award in the Science category.


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