O Hospital Ramón y Cajal adere ao Projeto Light

A total of six new hospitals joined the Luz Project in 2024. The project ends the year celebrating this growth and expressing gratitude to the hospitals already involved for their dedication to scientific research, humanizing healthcare services, and embracing new ways of understanding life and death.

As specified on its official website, the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital isa publicly owned center, part of the Health Ministry of the Community of Madrid, and integrated into the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS). Since beginning operations in 1977, it has aimed to provide users with efficient, high-quality service. This medical center focuses on the three pillars of a hospital of its caliber: care, educação, e pesquisa. A distinguishing feature of this center is its Research Department, established from its inauguration, with four specialized services. This makes it nationally and internationally recognized for its biomedical research.

With the inclusion of this hospital, Madrid becomes the city with the highest number of hospitals participating in the project in Spain, with a total of four, followed by Barcelona, which has three participating hospitals.

Below is the updated list of hospitals affiliated with the Luz Project as of the end of 2024.


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