从巴塔哥尼亚出发, 采访博士. 玛丽莎·卡萨邦内

博士. Casabonne agreed to pay attention to an impulse she had when she heard about Near-Death Experiences. Her impulse led her to study this phenomenon and learn more about what characterized it.

This training has helped her understand many questions she asked herself in her professional practice while serving as an anaesthesiologist in front of her patients. Thanks to understanding what an NDE is, her professional activity has been transformed, as has her perception towards death.

Today, part of her work focuses on learning more about patients who have had an NDE and researching them in her professional work in Patagonia (阿根廷).




科学继续探索濒死体验的起源及其与心肺骤停期间大脑活动的关系, 脑电图监测. 关于这一点的研究仍然很明确.
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医生. Pim van Lommel 和他对濒死体验的研究

确实, 医生. 当您想深入研究濒死体验时,Pim van Lommel 是一个参考。. 在这次西班牙会议上, 他不仅向我们提供了他的研究中发现的科学证据, 而是邀请我们质疑我们的教条.
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对死亡的恐惧: 将死亡视为生命的引擎

ICLOBY 基金会与推广 Wake Up 平台的行走意识团体 (Walking Consciousness Group) 合作,在 Sants 太平间举行了一场轻松的演讲,主题为“死亡是生命的驱动力” (巴塞罗那). 亚历克斯·阿尔比奥尔·阿尔米拉尔(Alex Albiol Almirall)关于停尸房的新颖想法. 一个特殊的地方,尽管它可能具有死亡的含义, 出发后不久,门票就被抢购一空,而且随着门票的扩大,同样的情况也发生了。. 会场座无虚席,敬请关注。. 对死亡的恐惧可以通过知识和科学来改变. 一个人害怕一个人不知道的事情.
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