ICLOBY 基金会出席意识节 (FOC)

Annually, the Associació ConsFestn, a non-profit organization comprised of entities and individuals who… “wish to promote a more conscious worldview”… organizes this festival, seeking to use the event as a vehicle for knowledge, discernment, and self-exploration to accompany the transformation resulting from the evolution of life with new levels of consciousness.

The event is widely recognized because it designs its activities in line with its purpose, ensuring the inclusion of multiple fields such as art, education, science, spirituality, technology, and business. Thus, it attracts participants and speakers that give it a diversity uncommon in other events.

Its impact is significant, and the public’s receptivity is so high that in the 2023 edition, more than 100 speakers participated, interacting with over 2,000 attendees who visited more than 20 learning spaces in what was called the City of Consciousness.

In the last two years, the ICLOBY Foundation, represented by our president, 博士. 卢扬科马斯, has been invited to participate as a speaker. For 2024, her presentation included sharing the general details of the LUZ Project, among other topics.




医生. 吉姆·塔克, 博士的科学接班人. 伊恩·史蒂文森,弗吉尼亚大学, 已经建立了一个 "案例强度量表" (SOCS) 记录研究患者报告的有关这种现象的数据. 这是EBK的案例
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阿尔玛, 身心

了解更多关于生与死的知识, 以及我们周围的世界, 是Alma论坛的中轴线, 那些天在马德里发生的身心 15, 16 是 17 十一月.
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ICLOBY 基金会与墨西哥其他专家一起参加, 西班牙, 哥伦比亚, 秘鲁和阿根廷在第二届拉丁美洲大会上讨论减轻悲伤和接受死亡.
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