كارمن كاسترو

إن الحديث عن تجربة الاقتراب من الموت هو عمل تحرري لأولئك الذين جربوها

Carmen is a psychologist with several advanced degrees, including master’s degrees in Human Resources, Communications, and Corporate Social Responsibility. For over 15 سنين, she has worked as a business consultant. Her NDE kept her silent because, as she says, “I didn’t feel I had the words to describe it.”

“There, I didn’t see sin, forgiveness, fears, or hells. On the contrary, I experienced so much love, so much love, that it was incompatible with what religion had taught me until then—it just didn’t match.”

This is how Carmen begins recounting her story, as a professional whose NDE led her to new ways of understanding life. For a time, she remained isolated, searching for answers to the gap between what she had experienced and what she had been taught. She found understanding and acceptance through mindfulness and meditation techniques. She felt, without a doubt, that she had been in another dimension—one where “there is no room for guilt because everything is okay.” Today, when she speaks of her NDE, she embraces it as a gift and is grateful to no longer fear death. “Dying is very pleasant,” she says.

As is often the case, those who experience NDEs eventually make significant changes in their lives, and Carmen is no exception. In the interview, she shares why.


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