اللقاء مع د. ستيوارت هاميروف

Stuart Hameroff is an American anesthesiologist who graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Hahnemann University Hospital, which is now part of Drexel University College of Medicine.

Since 1977, he has been affiliated with the University of Arizona, currently as Emeritus. There, he worked as a professor in both the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology. Since 1999, having played an active role in its creation, he served as the associate director of the Center for Consciousness Studies, becoming its director in 2004.

His first book, Ultimate Computing, was published in 1987 and has contributed to his recognition as a scientist focused on promoting the study of consciousness and the mechanisms that govern it.

In our next edition, we will publish the interview conducted by Dr. خافيير ميلو.


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