خوان كارلوس مدريد: شهادة تحدي الموت

Juan Carlos Madrid is Colombian and is currently residing with his family in Barcelona, Spain, where he works.

Before his Near-Death Experience (NDE), Juan Carlos lived in the world of exactness, evidence, logic, and mathematics. His background as a Computer Engineer, Industrial Engineer, MBA graduate, and with a Master’s in Business Analytics had led him to a professional career in the world of technology.

A few days after surgery, a hemorrhage in the throat area where he had been operated on reached his lungs, leading to a collapse and subsequently a cardiorespiratory arrest. From that moment, his journey took him through various experiences that culminated inbeing in paradise.

In this interview, Juan Carlos recounts with immense emotion and detail what happened to him as he was returning to life.


في اخبار اخرى

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