La Muerte, un proceso trascendental

دكتور. María José Cardoso is a physician specializing in Family and Community Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Palliative Care in children and adolescents, among other studies. Her vocation for science and understanding various phenomena related to death awakened from her own experience.

From a very young age, دكتور. Cardoso lived two realities: being a person with fragile health and also comfortably living withimaginary friendswho knew they were dead. This situation led her to a rather solitary way of life, which in her adolescence also transformed into a depressive state.

At that time, the medical team considered Electroshock Therapy beneficial given her medical condition. She underwent 9 sessions of this therapy, which constituted a turning point for her due to the out-of-body experiences she had during these sessions.

From that moment on, she became a scholar of Medicine with a focused interest in death, which has persisted until now.

Her personal abilities and scientific knowledge have allowed her to find the scientific foundations of the phenomena that mediate death and experience them. This knowledge about the moment of dying provides invaluable data for those who are dying, their families, and the healthcare personnel accompanying them, so that each can determine how they want to approach the process of dying moving forward.


في اخبار اخرى

ما الذي يسبب تجارب الخروج من الجسم؟?

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