¿Qué características de las Experiencias cercanas a la muerte – ECM – se asocian con una reducción del miedo a la muerte?

Below, we share with you a review of the study of the reference. To read the complete article, please click on the link at the end of this article.


It is not news that fear of death is one of the most widespread concerns of humankind. It is less well known, although commonplace in the field of near-death experiences (NDEs) that NDEs significantly reduce fear of death. The aim here is to study which elements of NDEs are better predictors of reduced fear of death.

A first approach indicates that the greater the intensity of the NDE, the greater the decrease in fear of death and that such a decrease increases with time after an NDE.

Studies have suggested that 1) the out-of-body experience, 2) positive feelings, 3) encountering light or 4) religious figures could be key factors for NDEs to provide loss of fear of death to the experiencer.

To test these hypotheses, 422 people who had had an NDE were interviewed, although only the 284 who scored 7 or higher on the scale designed years ago by Greyson himself were considered.

Reduced fear of death was associated with the presence of a mystical being in the NDE and with life review. Acceptance of death with experiencing joy, a bright light, encounter with mystical figures or deceased human beings.

Other characteristics such as age were not significant. In particular, extracorporeal experience was not associated with decreased fear of death.


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