¿Qué es la consciencia?

¿Qué es la conciencia?

دكتور. لوجان كوماس, president of our Foundation, presented her lecture on Consciousness and Science to more than 1,000 participants who attended theLife after LifeCongress held in Albacete (Spain), last October.

Within the scientific world, the interest in knowing the origin of the Universe is among the first places when reviewing the topics that attract their attention. In a quite close position, the interest in knowing the psycho-biological origin of the Consciousness is located, which allows to deduce the importance of this topic in the environment in which the LUZ Project is carried out.

Talking about what Consciousness is, what its relationship with the brain is, what Near Death Experiences (NDE) teach us and the importance of establishing new links with other sciences to broaden the view and understanding of how it works, are topics that are undoubtedly becoming more and more frequent within the scientific community.


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