هل يمكن أن يكون الوعي غير المحلي أبديًا؟?

In a world where knowledge about the Universe is expanding more and more and there are many people who feel authorized to deliver their theories on phenomena that cannot be explained from a purely medical perspective, it is necessary to guide the scientific community and people common, about these phenomena using all the science at the service of their understanding.

Therefore, in this interview conducted by Dr. كزافييه ميلو, founder of the Icloby Foundation and its executive director, دكتور. Sans Segarra makes a clear explanation based on scientific evidence about the phenomenon of NDEs and everything that derives from them.

The way it connects science, concepts and experience helps us clarify the scientific bases that underpin NDEs and invites us to broaden our minds and reflect on how we can use science in its entirety to understand what, in light of Medicine, it would be insufficient to explain.


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