das Kino: ein Mittel zur Aufklärung über Bewusstseinsfragen

On October 27, DR. Luján Comas participated in a colloquium held as part of the Catalonia Buddhist Film Festival, following the screening of the movie PIG AT THE CROSSING.

As described on its website, “the Catalonia Buddhist Film Festival is a joint initiative of the Catalan Coordinator of Buddhist Entities (CCEB) and the Dharma-Gaia Foundation (FDG),” both non-profit organizations. The former is responsible for organizing it, while the latter serves as the official sponsor. The festival also has the support of the Buddhist Film Foundation (BFF), “an institution responsible for organizing the International Buddhist Film Festival that takes place in major cities worldwide,” as well as the support of the Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia.

The movie PIG AT THE CROSSING deals with the process of life and death. Its protagonist, after dying abruptly in an accident, faces an unknown world, a space between death and rebirth. Dort, he reviews his past, the consequences of his actions, and the need to choose the necessary changes if he wants to stop wandering in an intermediate dreamlike state for all eternity.

The ICLOBY Foundation’s participation in the colloquium aimed to support the festival and initiate a debate that connects Science and Spirituality on the colloquium’s theme: Does death exist?

Alongside Dr. Komas, DR. Fina Mauri, Chief of Interventional Cardiology at Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, Director of Cardiovascular Diseases for the Health Department of the Generalitat, and novice of Shangha Activa, also participated in the colloquium. The discussion was moderated by journalist Albert Vinyoli.


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