
Being a ghost and visiting multiple places at once; experiencing vivid delusions that felt like nightmares; feeling life slipping away and death arriving; sensing the power of prayer and saying goodbye to loved ones—this is just a glimpse of what Andrés went through while intubated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a clinic in Bogotá.

After more than two months of treatment, doctors decided to disconnect him as his body was no longer responding. 那一刻, he suffered a cardiac arrest lasting eight minutes. He describes how his consciousness detached from physical suffering and transitioned into another state, where he experienced an NDE that he remembers in great detail.

在这次采访中, Andrés shares what he learned, his insights on death, how his perception of God has changed, and how he lives his life today.

Watch the full interview here



下次旅行: 死后人类意识生存的证据

上课最好的 (Bic) 奖项认可西班牙医疗保健方面的卓越. 博士. 史蒂夫·泰勒(Steve Taylor)的作品, 在六章中介绍,并探索支持身体死亡后意识持续性的现象, 作为这些奖项的一部分。. 这是他的观点.
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垂死不会伤害. 虽然该过程可能涉及苦难, 这通常是由于我们对它的工作原理缺乏理解而引起的. 在接受博士的采访中. 安里克·贝尼托, 姑息治疗专家, 我们探索垂死的过程以及他为何将其与旅程进行比较.
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临床死亡的人的意识在哪里: “我们不仅仅重要”

2月 8, 前卫 - 加德, 巴塞罗那最古老的印刷报纸之一, 西班牙, 发表了文章 "意识在一个临床死亡的人中去向? - 我们不仅仅重要" 乔瑟夫·菲塔(Josep Fita), 在印刷版和数字版本中. 本文探讨了近乎死亡的经历 (濒死体验) 并具有博士的见解. 卢扬科马斯, 伊克比基基金会主席.
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