什么博士. 莫拉莱斯最享受的是当家庭医生. 大约两年半前, 午睡后, 他心脏骤停. 在这次活动中他享受了一个明亮的地方, 感受到一种难以形容的幸福,遇见了老朋友, 他很惊讶地在他的衣服上看到了他 “最好的时刻”. 让我们更多地了解这位医生如何处理他的濒死体验以及为什么他所说的令人不安.
感言: 博士. 何塞·莫拉莱斯
Last December, The Festival of Consciousness organized an unusual event in Barcelona, where young people were the main participants. The central theme was "Life and Death," a topic that is rarely part of their everyday conversations.
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In this research, 博士. Natalia Sánchez shares insights from her Master's studies in Cultural Astronomy, offering a unique perspective on how Near-Death Experiences (濒死体验) influence the Cosmological Vision of both experiencers and researchers.
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