دكتور. Eber Alexander

Testimonio del Dr. Eben Alexander sobre su ECM

In our November Newsletter, we offered to share with you the lecture that Dr. Alexander, member of the Board of Directors of the LUZ Project, gave at the Life After Life Congress in Albacete (Spain) where he shared his NDE and his conclusions after surviving and overcoming a bacterial meningitis.

دكتور. Alexander is a Neurosurgeon and for over 15 years was a professor at Harvard Medical School. With over 4,000 operations in his specialty, author and co-author of over 150 scientific articles, writer of five books on Radiosurgery and Neurosurgery, دكتور. Alexander also wrote three books from his NDE: “The Proof of Heaven”, “The Map of HeavenandInfinite Consciousness”.


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