博士. 埃伯·亚历山大

博士的证词. Eben Alexander 谈论他的 ECM

In our November Newsletter, we offered to share with you the lecture that Dr. 亚历山大, member of the Board of Directors of the LUZ Project, gave at the Life After Life Congress in Albacete (Spain) where he shared his NDE and his conclusions after surviving and overcoming a bacterial meningitis.

博士. Alexander is a Neurosurgeon and for over 15 years was a professor at Harvard Medical School. With over 4,000 operations in his specialty, author and co-author of over 150 scientific articles, writer of five books on Radiosurgery and Neurosurgery, 博士. Alexander also wrote three books from his NDE: “The Proof of Heaven”, “The Map of HeavenandInfinite Consciousness”.




专访理论物理学博士、CSIC 科学家 Álex Gomez-Marín

物理概念的深入对话, 神经现象学, 生物学, 除其他外,它们帮助我们理解生命之间的关系, 物质与心灵.
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什么是意识, 它与大脑有什么关系, 濒死体验告诉我们什么 (电子控制系统) 以及如何与其他科学建立新的联系, 是博士的一些主题。. Luján Comas 邀请我们在阿尔巴塞特的这次演讲中反思 (西班牙).
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博士获得的认可之一。. Sans Segarra 荣获巴塞罗那官方医师学院颁发的专业卓越奖.
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