سيارة اميليا

الشهادات - التوصيات: دكتور. سيارة اميليا

Since she was a child, دكتور. Carro has felt a special sensitivity to those who are close to death. This soul connection, as she calls it, has helped her to feel a continuous companionship with her loved ones, especially when she has had to face moments of loneliness, regardless of whether they are dead or not. For her, it is a connection that is active at any time.

Bringing this sensitivity to her professional practice, her patients have taught her that it is necessary to respect the fact that people’s time to die comes. She particularly learned this from a young boy whom she accompanied in his passing. Having arrived at the emergency room in the morning where Dr. Carro was on call, this boy asked Dr. Carro that if he had a cardiac arrest again, she would let him go. In the afternoon hours, a shock from the defibrillator reminded him that she had not honored this wish, which as she herself says, when she mentioned it to me, I did not understand. She literally flew off the stretcher into the wall of the room as a result of this shock. At that moment, she saw how the boy, whose body had already died, sat up and told her: I warned you. She remembered the conversation of the morning and learned forever that we all have an end, that the patient is the one who determines it and that it is necessary to respect those cycles in life.


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