科学好奇心: 不可或缺的盟友

博士. Pim van Lommel is a widely recognized authority in the scientific community when it comes to near-death experiences (濒死体验) due to his leadership in a prospective study on this phenomenon. This research was designed with pre-established conditions ready before patients experienced cardiac arrest. His findings, published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet in 2001, raised profound questions about the nature of consciousness and its relationship to brain function.

在这次采访中, conducted by the Essential Foundation and shared with you today, this renowned scientist discusses his professional experience, personal insights, and research. We encourage you to view these accounts as an invitation to integrate patients’ experiences with “scientific curiosity.” In doing so, science can offer new explanations for phenomena that might otherwise be neglected or forgotten.

An open mind and the willingness to question, investigate, and foster discussion on patientsstories and experiences are essential elements for expanding scientific understanding of phenomena that today go unexamined due to traditional standards.

You can watch the interview here. It can be translated into Spanish using the “CC” button.




医生. 吉姆·塔克, 博士的科学接班人. 伊恩·史蒂文森,弗吉尼亚大学, 已经建立了一个 "案例强度量表" (SOCS) 记录研究患者报告的有关这种现象的数据. 这是EBK的案例
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阿尔玛, 身心

了解更多关于生与死的知识, 以及我们周围的世界, 是Alma论坛的中轴线, 那些天在马德里发生的身心 15, 16 是 17 十一月.
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ICLOBY 基金会与墨西哥其他专家一起参加, 西班牙, 哥伦比亚, 秘鲁和阿根廷在第二届拉丁美洲大会上讨论减轻悲伤和接受死亡.
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