医生. Pim van Lommel 和他对濒死体验的研究

In our December Newsletter, we shared moments from the conference that Dr. Pim van Lommel gave at the College of Physicians of Barcelona. 然而, his participation includes a second part, which we are sharing with you in this issue.

在这个视频中, a continuation of his previous talk, he presents detailed and specific scientific evidence about what happens to consciousness during an NDE, based on his research.

As he mentions, it is always and will continue to be a scientific challenge to discuss new hypotheses that explain the possibility of having clear and heightened consciousness during a temporary period of non-functionality of the brain. 然而, it will be an even greater challenge to overcome our own dogmas and allow ourselves to delve deeper into what scientific evidence shows us.

As emphasized by American physicist Robert Oppenheimer, scientists are and must be free to ask any question, to doubt assumptions, to seek evidence, and to correct any errors.

P.S. Here is also the link to the first part of the talk shared in the December 2023 newsletter, in case you’d like to revisit it.




去年七月, 机密, 西班牙数字新闻媒体 (其口号将自己定义为“有影响力读者的报纸”), 发表了一篇新闻,提到一组神经学家发现了科学解释灵魂出窍体验的明确关键. 下一个, 我们分享链接及其文本.
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正如去年九月这篇文章中提到的, ICLOBY 基金会与 Walking Consciousness Group 合作推广 Wake Up 平台, 参加 Sants 太平间关于死亡作为生命驱动力的讨论 (巴塞罗那). 在本次发货中, 我们分享完整演讲的视频.
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电影院: 意识问题教育的手段

在博士的参与下. 卢扬科马斯, 基金会主席, 在电影《十字路口的猪》结束后举行的座谈会上, ICLOBY亮相第二届佛教电影节, 根据其传播的承诺, 培训和提高意识.
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