Enceuntro en Barcelona - Fundación Icloby Abril 2024


On the stage of the Institut de Formació Continua IL3 of the University of Barcelona, the ICLOBY Foundation held its now customary week in person, a meeting longed for by all, students and teachers from around the world.

As you know, our Foundation has three pillars of work: research, social action and training. Working continuously and permanently on these three fronts, ICLOBY offers the public two Masters and two International Courses on the topics of Social Consciousness and Leadership, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Grief and Accompaniment and Extrasensory Perception. Its broad portfolio in this field allows it to have students from all over the world and practically from most continents, offering courses in English for non-Spanish speaking countries such as Asia, where a large number of students have enrolled in the CSR course this year.

With the awareness that in terms of training, although it is important to deepen in the topics, it is also important to expand to new knowledge, the face-to-face week organized by the Foundation has the philosophy of sharing the knowledge of the 4 Programs, 在 such a way that, as well as there are moments where the topics inherent to the program are worked exclusively, the students have the facility to attend master classes designed for the content of the 4 programs. In this way, training is enhanced with new knowledge and the creation of a network of contacts in all areas where the Foundation operates is encouraged.

Every year, students recognize that the week of attendance is very special. Knowing that it is the time for greetings, hugs, laughter and exciting testimonies, it is also the time to present the End-of-Course Projects at the University, in front of the different Tribunals that judge each work and determine its grade. In this way, the academic rigor with which the Foundation always ensures, joins the emotion that comes from being together and meeting each other physically.

Given the diversity of nationalities that come to this week, every year the ICLOBY Foundation organizes for them a Gala moment to share and a touristic outing. This year the setting for the gala was the Real Circulo Artístico de Cataluña (巴塞罗那) and also, mainly, the foreigners had a guided tour of the Modernist Historic Site of the Hospital de San Pablo also in this city.

We invite you to see the photo gallery.





卡门·卡斯特罗的故事以及她分享濒死体验的愿望 (濒死体验) 更早之前就强调了医院中拥有医疗保健专业人员的重要性,他们可以为经历危急医疗情况且经历不寻常的患者提供支持. 这些专业人员应该让患者知道他们可以安全且不带偏见地讨论他们的经历, 特别是如果专业人士自己也经历过濒死体验. 这有助于患者正常化并理解这些事件,而不会感觉自己正在失去理智.
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Ramón y Cajal 医院加入光明项目

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ICLOBLY 基金会继续开展有关死亡的传播和培训工作. 值此之际, 这是在灵性第四日框架内的拉马拉格塔文化中心举行的, 其中心主题是 : “向死而生”.
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