
专访理论物理学博士、CSIC 科学家 Álex Gomez-Marín

亚历克斯·戈麦斯-马林 is a Spanish theoretical physicist and neuroscientist. He holds a degree in Physics, a Master in Biophysics and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Barcelona. He did postdoctoral stays at the EMBL-CRG Center for Genomic Regulation and at the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown in Lisbon. Since 2016 he is director of the Organism Behavior Laboratory at the Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante. He is currently associate professor at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and director of the Pari Center in Italian Tuscany.

Although he was formed in the dogmatic orthodoxy, as he calls it, today he understands that this approach transformed it into heterodoxy when it comes to look at issues related to Consciousness. In this conversation with Dr. 卢扬科马斯, among other things, he integrates elements of Physics, Neuro-phenomenology and Biology to give us an integrative look at issues such as life, matter and mind when understanding reality and evaluating the objective and the subjective. In his concept we are matter, we are emotion, we are soul, we are spirit, among other things and it is necessary to understand that not everything is said about matter.



博士. 埃伯·亚历山大

博士的证词. Eben Alexander 谈论他的 ECM

这位著名的北美神经外科医生, 作者, entre otros libros de “La prueba del cielo” nos comparte su testimonio acerca de su ECM y la mirada científica que hoy tiene de este tipo de fenómenos.
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什么是意识, 它与大脑有什么关系, 濒死体验告诉我们什么 (电子控制系统) y cómo tender nuevos lazos con otras ciencias, son algunos de los temas que la Dra. Luján Comas nos invita a reflexionar en esta Ponencia en Albacete (西班牙).
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博士获得的认可之一。. Sans Segarra 荣获巴塞罗那官方医师学院颁发的专业卓越奖.
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