der Dr. Luján Comas und Dr.. Pim van Lomel für die Magazine Awards nominiert Letzte Nacht hatte ich einen Traum

The 10th edition of the prestigious non-profit OPTIMISTAS COMPROMETIDOS awards, an initiative promoted by the magazine ANOCHE TUVE UN SUEÑO is already underway with the publication of its list of nominees.

The ICLOBY Foundation is grateful for the recognition that this Journal has given us by nominating two of our members of the LUZ Project: DR. Pim Van Lommel, member of our Board of Directors and Dr. Lujan Comás, Project Director.

His nomination is in the category of Social Transformers from the Inner Evolution and Consciousness“. For his nomination they have considered his committed trajectory in the accompaniment of death and its dissemination from a conciliatory vision for life.

The awards ceremony will be held in the city of Madrid on May 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Reina Sofia Museum of Art.

In our May Newsletter we will be sharing photos of our award winners.


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