Loved Blasco
Amada Blasco
Professional background
Degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, specialized in Social Psychology and Social Exclusion.
He has worked in the field of community intervention in neighborhoods with high social exclusion and marginalization, and in psychosocial recovery processes, with victims of armed conflicts and community empowerment, together with various NGOs and the San Carlos University of Guatemala.
Combines a comprehensive and humanistic therapeutic approach, body awareness, danza, Ayurveda, meditation, use of speech and writing, as work tools to focus psychotherapy.
Formed in Argentina (Body Therapy and Open River Expressive Movement), France (eutonia), Madrid (Body expression), Sevilla (living space) Málaga and India (Ayurveda therapy and self-help groups), and, of course, online junto a Nirakara (Family Constellations and Accompaniment to death “ACM”).
Has trained education professionals, health and social intervention in emotional work and health education.