Elsa Lucia arango

Elsa Lucia Arango

Elsa Lucia Arango

Professional background

Born in Manizales, Colombia. He studied Medicine at the Javeriana University of Bogotá.

has worked for almost 40 years in the field of alternative medicine, especially synergetic, neural therapy and homeopathy. His work has had two basic foci: healthy habits and grief support.

He has mediumistic abilities and because of this he has written several books on mourning., life in the spirit world and tools to prepare for death.

his books are: "Experiences with Heaven", "Invisible Worlds", "How is heaven?”, “Legacy of love” and “Sadhana, spiritual practice”.

She has been a professor of Synergetics in the Master's program in Alternative Medicine at the National University of Colombia and a professor at the Institute of Human Values ​​in Bogotá..

He teaches workshops on the spiritual world and the grieving process, and is invited as a speaker on these topics in different interviews and courses.

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