Training Icloby

International Course

Mindfulness Expert, Consciousness and Compassion

1th Edition, 2025

“What you are looking for is looking for you”.

FUCS - University Foundation of Health Sciences
FUCS - University Foundation of Health Sciences

This course is focused on providing the tools that Mindfulness offers to professionals from different sectors who dedicate their work activity to care., service and care of people: Education professionals, teachers of all levels, healthcare professionals, geriatric staff and caregivers, social intervention and volunteering professionals.

And anyone who is interested in increasing their skills and resources in this field and experiencing a more conscious way of living day to day..

The course content, It is based on different mindfulness and compassion protocols, among which we will mention the most relevant:

  • Mindfulness based on stress reduction (MBSR) (Kabat-Zinn, 1982).
  • Mindfulness in childhood and adolescence, Program A still quiet place, (Amy Saltzman, 2002)
  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) (Gilbert, 2015).
  • Mindfulness and addictions (MBAR) Valery Masson John, 2013) • Mindfulness for health (MBPM) Breathworks Vidyamala Burch, 2009)


4 months

Course type


school period

13.01.2025 - 09.05.2025

Academic period

13.01.2025 - 09.05.2025

This course starts in....


You will advance your personal and professional development

first 10 discount registrations

Titulation: International Expert Course in Mindfulness, Consciousness and Compassion
Course Type: Online
school period: of the 06 of January of 2025 al 9 of May of the 2025
Academic period: of the 13 of January of 2025 al 9 of May of the 2025
Duration: 4 months
target students: 25

Mindfulness is practice, it's experience. In this training we will use activities related to yoga and meditation. And mindfulness practices in everyday life.

But we will also pamper the theoretical side, like tools, concepts and all content taught in this course, in online format. With streaming classes where we can share the topics to be covered in each subject.

  • Group and individual work
  • Streaming classes.
  • Each subject will have a live online debate to strengthen learning.
  • Practices, essential to correctly establish and stimulate the knowledge imparted.
  • Discussions on daily meditation practice
  • Documents for each topic and meditation journal, a pdf.
  • In-person week in Spain
Main goal:
  • Develop and enhance personal strategies and skills that promote self-knowledge.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase physical well-being, mental and emotional.
  • Improve attention, and the ability to calm down and relax.
  • Improve memory, concentration and mental agility.
  • Reduce reactivity and impulsivity.
  • Promote emotional regulation, increasing resilience.
  • Promote conscious communication and listening and social skills
  • Reduce negative and obsessive thought loops.
  • Improve self-compassion and therefore self-acceptance.
  • Increase interoception (body awareness) as an anchor of attention, promoting self-care.
complementary objectives:
  • Develop presence. Learn to meditate.
  • Increase self-confidence.
  • Improve mental peace and inner calm.
  • Enhance mental clarity and decision making.
  • Reduce tension, suffering and anguish.
  • Practice the ability to stop and observe before acting and respond instead of reacting.
  • Influence the area of ​​personal relationships, approaching the relationship with more kindness.
  • Provide strategies to improve conflict resolution.
  • Develop forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Work to increase peer-to-peer networking.
  • Enhance gratitude and compassion.
  • Accompany people who are suffering with compassion.
  • Develop and enhance strategies and personal skills to promote growth as a human being, heal wounds and grief.
  • People who seek meaning in life, being able to relate in a kinder way to your emotions and thoughts.
  • People who, Having had experiences with meditation, they want to have a firmer foundation, to be able to use it on a daily basis.
  • People who do not have any knowledge about the subject and are curious about the field of Mindfulness.
  • People who want to learn and cultivate self-care and compassion.
  • People who want to use these tools in their professional life as well as in their personal sphere.
  • Know how to access your innate potential and trust yourself.
  • Increase memory, concentration, mental clarity and effectiveness, in your daily tasks.
  • Detect and regulate the emotions that intervene in daily life.
  • Know how to put this knowledge at the service of others.
  • Being able to teach the children and young people around you, to use your innate potential, through conscious attention, with the intention that you observe and realize your innate abilities.
  • Connect with your interior, with your strength, with love and compassion, that are already inside you, to help you with your life purpose.
  • Facilitate connection with others, from full attention, empathic listening, kindness and humanity shared with all beings around you.
  • Provide tools to design interventions based on mindfulness, in different professional contexts.
  • Provide strategies for professionals in the health sector, of education and social services, who want to explore alternative knowledge.

registration period

From the 15 of July 2024 until the 15 from December to 2024.

limited places.

Course price: 1.950 €.
first 10 discounted registrations 200 €.

Interest-free monthly financing, prior payment of 10% registration.

1.- Personal and contact information
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