Action social

Where Does Consciousness Go in a Clinically Dead Person?: – "We Are More Than Matter"
Interview with DRA. Luján Comas.

Som immortals? - We are inmortal?

Based on research on near-death experiences (EPM) What some people have when they are clinically dead and then come back to life on an operating table, for instance, or in emergencies, the philosopher Vicente Merlo asks if we are immortal in a book that has this title: "You are inmortal". Doctor Luján Comas accompanies him to the program, EPM expert, and the doctor Manel Sans also makes a comment to us.


Euro-American Congress of Sustainability and Environment

29 and 30 of November 2022 in Mexico City.

Euro American Forum We are Soul

1 and 2 from December to 2022 in Mexico City.


If you need accompaniment in transit or in mourning, request it from
If you need accompaniment in your ecm, request it at

“Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the bucket., but the sea would be less if it lacked that drop”

Icloby Foundation was born to improve the world, changing consciousness and you cannot change consciousness without social action, without giving yourself to others.

That's why, Icloby Foundation offers different ways of social action:

economic collaboration, assuming periodic monthly expenses for a maximum of one year_ to organizations with a high social impact and that their activity is aimed at marginalized people. It is essential that it have a minimum existence of 10 years old and is technically bankrupt or in serious financial distress. If the organization requires it, The Icloby Foundation also offers itself with its ambassadors and professors to advise business and promote alliances so that the organization is sustainable and lasting over time.

Lay spiritual accompaniment to transit, death and their families, as well as the duel. Children's preferences and the calls against nature.

Accompaniment to people who have suffered the loss of a loved one by suicide

Psychological and medical care for people without resources

Interviews and informative conferences on the non-existence of death as the ultimate goal

Accompaniment to people who have had a near-death experience and do not know how to locate it, as well as their relatives

RuralLanda project Ecosocial Intelligence Laboratory (LIE) for the Government of Navarra, in which solutions for equality and social sustainability are found, applying and implementing public policies and projects of high social impact tailored within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

Social Entrepreneurship App, science and technology to the processes of participation and governance: social variables are analyzed, environmental and lever elements to design effective solutions in social and environmental sustainability, monitoring in real time and generating predictive models to execute innovative social projects that promote social cohesion in rural areas.

International cooperation projects:

Anahata Project

The Anahata project will focus on marginal areas of the urban peripheries of Colombian cities and will consist of two lines of action. 1. Train teachers and the management of educational centers in the application of bullying simulation models, abuse and gender violence to specific social contexts. 2. Carry out training actions in socio-emotional skills, training and social entrepreneurship with women victims of gender violence. The prevention of highly complex social phenomena requires accurate and reliable analysis tools. Access to applications that combat insecurity should be favored, feeling of vulnerability, guilt and shame produced in the victims by disclosing details about the situations they are experiencing. bullying simulation models, gender abuse and maltreatment applied to social contexts explain why children and young people do what they do and allow us to discover how to influence them.

Encouragement and support to carry out the Final Master's Projects or of different courses so that the project is social instead of individual purpose.

example of some:

Dr. Wagon - Jessica Pons. Mexico.

Train that provides medical and surgical services to towns far from places with medical care.

Adriana Rosalia Zapien Hernandez. Mexico.

Development of a strategic Social Responsibility plan for housing development companies aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

Lorena Isabel Lopez Alvarez. Colombia.

Productive projects for restituted women in Colombia. A contribution to the sustainable development goals.

Sandra Farreras. Spain.

Implementation of Social Responsibility in a Town Hall.

Maria Susmozas. Spain.

Creation of an association for the investigation of myxoid liposarcoma.

Angels Turdiu. Spain.

Creation of an association to care for the caregiver.

Maria Alejandra Baquero Cimadevilla. Colombia

Code of Ethics for the Bogota Water and Sewer Company.

María Paulina Bayona. Colombia.

The three C's to work on bullying (buying): Awareness, Cardiac Coherence and Compassion.

Daniela Yazigi Encina. Chile.

Development of a CSR Strategy. Collaborative for the qualification of a Mariposa project of Rnergy Development Corporation.

Pilar Jimenez. Spain.

yoga for grief.

Maria Agra. Spain.

Accompanying my Neighbors in Soledad.

Sonia Cortez. Peru.

Environmental Management System Model for Anta Norte S.A.C.

Enrique Monzo. Netherlands.

Random Number Generator Project and Phenomena of Consciousness.

Thorn Alcíbar. Spain.

Study, acceptance and preparation to care for and accompany the children of Luz.

Charlotte Ortega. Spain.

Strategic Plan for CSR communication for DMC WORLD SPRY SERVICES SL.

Carmen Gimenez. Spain.

Study of the autism spectrum and changes in symptoms through food. Awareness and Social Leadership.

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