
The Next Phase of the Journey: Evidence of the survival of human consciousness after death

[tp not_in="es"]The Best in Class (BIC) Awards recognize excellence in healthcare in Spain. Dr. Steve Taylor’s work, presented in six chapters and exploring phenomena that support the persistence of consciousness after physical death, was featured as part of these awards. Here is his perspective.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]Los premios BEST IN CLASS (BIC) They are awards that recognize health care in Spain. The work elaborated by Steve Taylor PhD presented in six chapters and that summarized the phenomena to endorse the persistence of consciousness after the death of the physical body, It was presented within the framework of these awards.[/tp]

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Part of Healing Is Dying

[tp not_in="es"]The testimony of Andrés Arévalo reveals what it feels like to experience hallucinations, to coma, and a near-death experience (NDE). After being intubated for over two months due to COVID-19, he was disconnected from life support and suffered a cardiac arrest lasting eight minutes. This is how he lived it.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]Andrés Arévalo's testimony shows how a hallucination is lived, A coma and an ECM, diferenciando claramente los tres estados. Durante poco más de dos meses estuvo intubado debido al COVID 19. Fue desconectado del respirador y tuvo un paro cardiorrespiratorio de 8 minutos. Asi lo vivió.[/tp]

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Understanding the Dying Process

[tp not_in="es"]Dying does not hurt. While the process may involve suffering, this is often caused by our lack of understanding of how it works. In this interview with Dr. Enric Benito, a specialist in palliative care, we explore the dying process and why he compares it to a journey.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]Morir no duele. Aunque puede haber mucho sufrimiento en el proceso, este lo producimos nosotros mismos al no saber cómo funciona. En esta entrevista con el Dr. Enric Benito, experto en Cuidados Paliativos conoceremos más del proceso y del por qué que él compara con un viaje.[/tp]

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Where Does Consciousness Go in a Clinically Dead Person?: – "We Are More Than Matter"

[tp not_in="es"]On February 8, The avant -garde, one of the oldest print newspapers in Barcelona, Spain, published the article “Where Does Consciousness Go in a Clinically Dead Person? – We Are More Than Matter” By Josep Fita, both in its print and digital editions. The article explores near-death experiences (NDEs) and features insights from Dr. Luján Comas, president of the ICLOBY Foundation.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]Saturday 8 February, The La Vanguardia newspaper, One of the oldest print media in Barcelona (Spain) He published an article about experiences close to death - ECMS – With the participation of the DRA. Luján Comas, President of the ICLOBY Foundation.[/tp]

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Visiting the Hospitals

[tp not_in="es"]A key goal for 2025 is to visit the various hospitals participating in the LIGHT Project research—an initiative that has already begun in this first month of the year.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]Visit during the 2025 The different hospitals that today are part of the Research of the Luz Project, It is a purpose that has already begun to be activated in this first month of the year.[/tp]

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An Unusual Encounter with Young People to Talk About Life and Death

[tp not_in="es"]Last December, The Festival of Consciousness organized an unusual event in Barcelona, where young people were the main participants. The central theme was “Life and Death,” a topic that is rarely part of their everyday conversations.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]El pasado diciembre, The Festival of Consciousness organizó un evento inusual en la ciudad de Barcelona, donde los principales participantes fueron jóvenes. El tema central del evento fueVida y Muerte”, un asunto que no suele formar parte de sus conversaciones cotidianas.[/tp]

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Is the NDE a Cosmological Compass?

[tp not_in="es"]In this research, Dr. Natalia Sánchez shares insights from her Master’s studies in Cultural Astronomy, offering a unique perspective on how Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) influence the Cosmological Vision of both experiencers and researchers.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]In this research, Dra. Natalia Sánchez details us from her master's studies in cultural astronomy, para que podamos conocer una forma diferente de entender el impacto de las ECMs en la Visión Cosmológica de quienes las viven y de quienes las investigan.[/tp]

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Carmen Castro

Talking about NDEs is a liberating act for those who experience them

[tp not_in="es"]The story of Carmen Castro and her wish to have shared her Near-Death Experience (NDE) much earlier highlights the importance of having healthcare professionals in hospitals who can support patients going through critical medical situations with unusual experiences. These professionals should let patients know they can safely and non-judgmentally discuss their experiences, especially if the professionals themselves have had an NDE. This helps patients normalize and understand these events without feeling they are losing their sanity.[/tp][tp lang="es" only="and"]The story of Carmen Castro and her wish to have shared her Near-Death Experience (NDE), much earlier highlights the importance of having healthcare professionals in hospitals who can support patients going through critical medical situations with unusual experiences, These professionals should , let patients know, they can safely and non-judgmentally discuss their experiences, This helps patients normalize , más aún si los que acompañan han experimentado también una ECM.[/tp]

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Dying to Live

The ICLOBY Foundation continues its efforts in spreading awareness and providing education about death. This time, it was at the La Malagueta Cultural Center during the Fourth Spirituality Conference, centered on the theme : “Dying to Live”.

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