Sam Parnia bets on the role of the brain as a "filter" of consciousness

The online magazine NEO.LIFE has published in its August issue ( an interview with intensivist Sam Parnia, AWARE project manager.

In her Parnia, although he has not yet revealed any results of his last wave of AWARE, that he has promised for this autumn of 2022, It does bet on the role of the brain as a "filter" of access to our true consciousness and to "other dimensions" of reality.

Sam Parnia echoes the recent article by Canadian neurosurgeon Dr.. Ajmal Zemmar ( in which gamma and alpha brain waves were detected, associated with the process of remembering, in a patient after cardiac arrest. The article speculated whether these waves were a reflection of the famous NDE life review.. Parnia generally cites this and previous studies (in humans and animals) in which some type of brain electrical activity has also been detected after cardiac arrest.

What is relevant is that Sam Parnia bets because the brain may be working as a filter during wakefulness to prevent full access to those other dimensions of reality and to that "full consciousness" in which all life can be accessed in a second.. Residual brain activity after cardiac arrest may therefore be a last electrical reflection of other, more powerful activities taking place at that time in that other, full consciousness.. It would be a “top down” reflection, and not "from the bottom up". Parnia indicates that these brain waves may also be indicators of the cerebral disinhibition process that releases those filters that restrict free and complete access to full consciousness at the moment of death..

So it's not so much that NDEs are experiences created by the dying brain, but it's the brain itself that, when turning off, releases access to the true full consciousness of the human being.


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