
Fear of Death: Facing Death as a Driver of Life

The ICLOBY Foundation, in collaboration with the "Caminando la Consciencia" group that promotes the Wake Up Platform, held an informal talk on the topic of death as a driver of life at the Sants Funeral Home (Barcelona). This innovative idea came from Alex Albiol Almirall of the said funeral home. Un lugar excepcional que pese a las connotaciones de muerte que podría tener, and the same occurred when they were expanded.. The venue was full, and the interest shown was much appreciated. The fear of death can be transformed through knowledge and science. We fear what we do not understand.

Fear of Death: Facing Death as a Driver of Life Read More »

The Gamma-Band Activity Model of the Near-Death Experience: A Critique and a Reinterpretation, by NIGEL SHAW

Undoubtedly, for the entire scientific community, NDEs are a topic of constant research. For this reason, the advance regarding what produces them and what does not produce them, delivers clear results, accurate and corroborated by scientific methods that it is definitely necessary to discard.

The Gamma-Band Activity Model of the Near-Death Experience: A Critique and a Reinterpretation, by NIGEL SHAW Read More »

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